Post Radial
Post Ulnar
Ant Radial
Ant Ulnar
version 1.0.0


Unique Identifier:


Operative extremity imaged:

1. Does the POSTERIOR RADIAL channel stay in the dorsal forearm?

Does the dorsal channel connect to the upper arm?

Are there connections? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

Are there branches?

Where does branch 1 transition to the volar forearm? [Check all that apply]

Where does branch 1 connect to the upper arm? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

Where does branch 2 transition to the volar forearm? [Check all that apply]

Where does branch 2 connect to the upper arm? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

Where does branch 3 transition to the volar forearm? [Check all that apply]

Where does branch 3 connect to the upper arm? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

When does it transition to the volar forearm? [Check all that apply]

What are the connections to the upper arm? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

2. Does the POSTERIOR ULNAR channel stay in the dorsal forearm?

Does the dorsal channel connect to the upper arm?

Are there connections? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

Are there branches?

Where does branch 1 transition to the volar forearm? [Check all that apply]

Where does branch 1 connect to the upper arm? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

Where does branch 2 transition to the volar forearm? [Check all that apply]

Where does branch 2 connect to the upper arm? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

Where does branch 3 transition to the volar forearm? [Check all that apply]

Where does branch 3 connect to the upper arm? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

When does it transition to the volar forearm? [Check all that apply]

What are the connections to the upper arm? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

3. Does the ANTERIOR RADIAL channel stay in the volar forearm?

Explain why not:

Where does it connect to the upper arm? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

4. Does the ANTERIOR ULNAR channel stay in the volar forearm?

Explain why not:

Where does it connect to the upper arm? [Check all that apply]

Explain what other connections:

5. Is a MEDIAL upper arm channel visualized?

Explain why not:

6. Is a LATERAL upper arm channel visualized?

WARNING: You have selected 'Long Bundle' bundle but there are NO forearm connections to the lateral upper arm.

WARNING: You have selected 'Short Bundle' bundle but there ARE forearm connections to the lateral upper arm.

Does it travel to the deltopectoral groove?

Explain why not:

7. Is a BICIPITAL pathway visualized?

What is its origin? [Check all that apply]

WARNING: You have selected forearm origins but there are NO forearm connections to the bicipital upper arm.

WARNING: You have selected NO forearm origins bundle but there ARE forearm connections to the bicipital upper arm.

WARNING: You have selected medial channel origins but there are NO medial channels indicated.

WARNING: You have selected lateral channel origins but there are NO lateral channels indicated.

Is it visualized before or after the cephalic injection?

If one bicipital pathway, what is its termination? [Check all that apply]

WARNING: You have selected medial pathway origins but there is NO medial pathway.

Explain what other terminations:

If more than one bicipital pathway, describe the origin and insertion for each:

8. Is a TRICIPITAL pathway visualized?

WARNING: You have selected 'Long Bundle' bundle but there are NO forearm connections to the tricipital upper arm.

WARNING: You have selected 'Short Bundle' bundle but there ARE forearm connections to the tricipital upper arm.

After the tricipital injection, are additional pathways seen?

Where do the additional channels terminate? [Check all that apply]

WARNING: You have selected medial pathway origins but there is NO medial pathway.

Explain what other terminations:

What pathway is visualized? [Check all that apply]

What is the origin of the external long bundle?

[Check all that apply]

WARNING: You have selected forearm origins but there are NO forearm connections to the external tricipital upper arm.

WARNING: You have selected NO forearm origins bundle but there ARE forearm connections to the external tricipital upper arm.

WARNING: You have selected medial channel origins but there are NO medial channels indicated.

WARNING: You have selected lateral channel origins but there are NO lateral channels indicated.

Where does the external long bundle terminate?

[Check all that apply]

WARNING: You have selected medial pathway origins but there is NO medial pathway.

Explain what other terminations:

What is the origin of the middle long bundle?

[Check all that apply]

WARNING: You have selected forearm origins but there are NO forearm connections to the middle tricipital upper arm.

WARNING: You have selected NO forearm origins bundle but there ARE forearm connections to the middle tricipital upper arm.

WARNING: You have selected medial channel origins but there are NO medial channels indicated.

WARNING: You have selected lateral channel origins but there are NO lateral channels indicated.

Where does the middle long bundle terminate?

[Check all that apply]

WARNING: You have selected medial pathway origins but there is NO medial pathway.

Explain what other terminations:

What is the origin of the internal long bundle?

[Check all that apply]

WARNING: You have selected forearm origins but there are NO forearm connections to the internal tricipital upper arm.

WARNING: You have selected NO forearm origins bundle but there ARE forearm connections to the internal tricipital upper arm.

WARNING: You have selected medial channel origins but there are NO medial channels indicated.

WARNING: You have selected lateral channel origins but there are NO lateral channels indicated.

Where does the internal long bundle terminate?

[Check all that apply]

WARNING: You have selected medial pathway origins but there is NO medial pathway.

Explain what other terminations:

Where does it terminate? [Check all that apply]

WARNING: You have selected medial pathway origins but there is NO medial pathway.

Explain what other terminations:

8. Are all visualized channels linear?

Explain why not:

Overall comments:

Post Rad
Post Uln
Ant Rad
Ant Uln
━ Linear ━
✚ Splash ✚
★ Stardust ★
◍ Diffuse ◍
Erin's (superficial) Lymphatic Visualization Software
version 1.0.0 - Updated 5.2.2023
Use this form to automatically generate figures of superificial lymphatic channels.

  • ⚫: Injection points.
  • DTG: Deltotricipital groove.
  • DPG: Deltopectoral groove.
  • SCLN: Supraclavicular lymph nodes.

Form Panel (Left):
  • It is best to go through each section chronologically, without skipping sections.
  • Click Export to get a PNG of the image labelled '[Patient MRN]-image.png' and the completed form labelled '[Patient-MRN]-form.png'.
  • Click Report to get a copy and paste version of the form.
  • Click Start Over to begin a new form.
  • IMPORTANT: Clicking 'Start Over' will permanently erase previous record. Be sure to make sure both files (image and form) are downloaded before proceeding.

Drawing Panel (Right):
  • For any form responses requiring explanation, draw corresponding channel in the diagram with the mouse, or touch screen.
  • The colored buttons both serve as a legend and as a color picker for the appropriate channel.
  • Use the Color Picker and Stroke Picker to pick specific colors or stroke width.
  • Click Undo to undo last stroke.
  • Click Clear to clear the whole canvas.
  • IMPORTANT: Clicking 'Clear' will permanently delete user-based drawings. It will NOT clear automatically generated drawings based on form answers.
  • IMORTANT: Avoid resizing the browser while filling out the form. Be sure to refresh the page after resizing the browser, which will lose all current inputs. Failure to do so will create errors in the canvas space sizing.
If you notice any bugs, send a message using the Mail Icon found in the lower left corner.